X-ray Safety: Theory and Practice
The OEC 9800: Archive Options
Overview of Output Options

The animation to the left highlights some of the key steps of the archive process.

This section should only be taken as a general reference for the archive process. It may not show all steps or procedures necessary to archive images according to Facility standards. The archive process is;
  • Select the patient from the SAVED EXAM list
  • Select an archive device from the COPY TO... screen selected from the Image Directory Screen
  • Create the copy queue by first selecting an image preview and then touching a image placeholder represented below the device name on the Image Directory.
  • When ready, press COPY to initiate image transfer.
Specific devices may require additional steps. This will be found in the documentation accompanying the device and system.

A single floppy disk can only hold 1 image.

Viruses can exist on floppy or other removable media. The OEC 9800 CAN be infected. Do not use a disk unless it is verified clean by your facility's virus checker.