1. What is the third basic of radiation protection if distance and time are the first two?;
     a) ? = shielding.
     b) ? = kilovoltage.
     c) ? = .

2. Regulation 861 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act regulates;
     a) X-ray devices used on human beings for medical purposes.
     b) X-ray devices used on human beings for research purposes.
     c) X-ray devices used on animals and non-living subjects.
     d) The Ministry of Labour does not regulate the use of x-rays

3. The HARP Act refers to;
     a) The Health Arts Radiological Practices Act.
     b) The Helping Associates Radiator Protection Act.
     c) The Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act.
     d) The Healing Arts Radiologic Policy Act.

4. Under the linear model of risk, half the occupational dose to x-rays implies;
     a) Double the risk.
     b) Half the risk.
     c) No change in the risk.
     d) Quadruple the risk.

5. All of the following are properties of x-rays EXCEPT
     a) Travels in straight lines until absorbed or deflected.
     b) Can ionize atoms.
     c) Easily stopped by low density materials, like styrofoam.
     d) Can break molecular bonds.

6. For a MOL inspection, they must give;
     a) 24 hours advanced notice of the inspection
     b) 48 hours advanced notice of the inspection.
     c) 72 hours advanced notice of the inspection
     d) They are not required to give notice and may inspect at any time

7. For equal thickness, which material is the better attenuator of x-rays?
     a) Wood.
     b) Styrofoam.
     c) Plastic.
     d) Lead.

8. An atom is in an ionized state if it has;
     a) More electrons than neutons.
     b) More protons than neutrons.
     c) More or less electrons than protons
     d) None of the above

9. An example of redundant safety for an x-ray system would be:
     a) Two lamps wired so that one would illuminate to show system status even if the other failed.
     b) Two door switches wired so that both must show it closed before x-ray is enabled.
     c) Both a and b.
     d) None of the above

10. Leakage x-rays form the useful part of the x-ray beam;
     a) True.
     b) False.