X-ray Safety: STTARR microCT and Cabinet Operators
Regulation 861:
Inspections and Enforcement

Inspectors of the Ministry of Labour may inspect at any time without notice.

A worker representative from the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee must be contacted when an Inspector arrives on site. The worker representative generally accompanies the Inspector as they inspect through the facility. Usually a management representative is also in attendance.

During an inspection, the Responsible Person in charge of the x-ray unit must be prepared to 1) give the Inspector access to the equipment, 2) provide a list of users they have authorized to use the device, and 3) provide records showing that each user has had x-ray safety training within the past year. The MOL may also:
  • Quiz operators on their practical knowledge of safe operation of the x-ray unit
  • Ask to see records on the maintenance of the equipment
  • Review the exposure log (kept as part of safe work practices for each x-ray unit),
Note that Ministry of Labour inspectors are empowered to enforce any Ontario law (from the keeping of apiaries to zoning) so please keep your pet bees at home.