
Radiation is produced in these tests. Operate the equipment in a protected area, and wear a lead apron and thyroid collar during exposure.

Do the following;
  1. Position the tube head above the image intensifier,
  2. Position a phantom on the image intensifier (a phantom with the capability of showing high and low contrast resolution, and general imaging performance is preferable),
  3. Select AUTO fluoro on the control panel,
  4. Press the X-ray ON switch on top of the Control Panel,
  5. Verify that an image appears on the left monitor on the Workstation, and that it stays on-screen after fluoro is stopped,
  6. Connect the footswitch and handswitch,
  7. While pressing the exposure switch on one of these controls, verify the operation of;
    • Image orientation controls (image rotate, image horizontal and vertical reversal),
    • Mag mode selection (NORM, MAG1 and MAG2),
    • Collimator controls (iris open/close, leaf/leaves open/close/rotate),
    • Mode selection (if unit is fitted with the Vascular option),
  8. If the test phantom has low and high contrast test capability, check the fluoro image to determine any gross changes in image quality,
  9. Check the image for interference, distortion or artifacts that might detract from the diagnostic use of the device,
  10. Check the displayed kV and mA and compare it to a reference value set by Imaging Service to determine if any gross changes in dose rate (as set by kV and mA) have occurred,
  11. Document all anomalies,
  12. Contact a qualified service person immediately if there is loss of function or loss of image quality,